Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Grisly 10k

For the third time time now, I set out to run the BC Cancer Foundation's 10k Underwear Affair, but this year I was armed with a goal. I wanted to run it in under and hour. The first year I ran it in 1h24m, and the year before I'd run it in 1h12mins, so I was just shaving off another 12 minutes right? 

Well the truth is, this determination to reach my goal ultimately lead to my demise. I wanted to get there so badly that before the run when one of the vendors offered me something and said, "this will give you energy!" I ate it. I ate it all. If it wasn't for my Uncle Kevin running with me and telling me to breath and coaching me, I probably wouldn't have finished. I had a large herd of UNICORNS trying to get out of my STOMACH by the 3rd kilometer. The 8th wasn't so hot either. It helped having a friendly face at the third water station, my friend Sarah volunteered this year, what a sweetheart.

When I crossed the finish line, I thought the clock said 1h5mins, and I was disappointed, but happy considering. Aleisha had some trouble with her asthma, so we hit the medical tent, where I released the unicorns into their garbage can, but look, they gave me this cute little barf bag!

When we checked our times later, mine came up at 1h10mins, with Uncle Kevin just behind me, and Aleisha not far after that. We hit the beer tent, and then the after party together and had a great night. All in all the event was a BLAST and I loved it. 

And next year, watch out -10k in under an hour is within my reach :) 

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